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Mendocino Logo
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Mendocino logo

Mendocino is Toronto's leading fast fashion destination with six boutiques in the Greater Toronto Area. They are constantly sourcing the most sought after items and trends and bringing them into their boutiques. At the inception of Mendocino's, the owners asked David to design their new fashion company logo and clothing line label. The original inspiration and direction from the client was simply the town of Mendocino on West Coast California and its' associated historical Pomo culture, art, design, geometric shapes, colours, and textures. All of those ingredients were distilled by David into this typographic logo design shown on a black background with its' irregular angled letters of the logo derived from traditional native Pomo geometric patterns. The result was a simple, attractive, and memorable wordmark and unique brand to represent this successful and popular Toronto fashion retailer.

Clipboard with checklist showing David Littlefield is available for full-time or freelance

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David is available for Full-Time or Freelance. Get the power of DL working for you today!