David was asked to design a new cover for Brave New World, a reprint of a popular science fiction novel written by Aldous Huxley. The story is set in the year 2540ad and it is a satirical warning about a possible future, where the world state achieves ultimate control over the world's population through manipulation of science, technology, evolution and brainwashing. David created a basic black/red/white colour palette that best expresses the themes described in the book. The cover was created using Adobe Illustrator. A reflective "metallic" look emphasizes the heading, which is a modern sans-serif font called "Viking Squad". This rivited text has a distinctly mechanical and blocky feel. Like the colours, the customized typography and visuals are expressive of the book's dark themes. Through colour plasticity, the black background pushes the text forward towards the reader and serves to frame and anchor the layout.